Commissioner and Administrator Karachi Iftikhar Ali Shallwani said that Karachi Metropolitan Corporation is providing equal opportunities to youths belonging to middle class to replace the current bureaucrats by establishing CSS Corners in different parts of the city. People of every locality are being given opportunity to prepare for the CSS which would give fruiftul results in the future, the Administrator passed these remarks while inaugurating a CSS Corner at Al Marakaz e Islami in Ayesha Manzil. Additional Commissioner Karachi Dr Waqas Roshan, Director General Parks Taha Saleem, Senior Director Culture and Sports Syed Khursheed Shah, Director Women Sports Complex Naheed Abid, Director Sports Complex Kanwar Ayub, former bureaucrats and a large number of students were also present on the occasion. The Administrator said that CSS is a tough exam and the candidates must have vast knowledge, smart reading and focus to pass the examination. He said that if the candidates have knowledge of external and internal affairs, Pakistan movement and other matters, they can surely pass it. Shallwani said that one CSS Corner is already established at Frere Hall and a large number of candidates are enrolled there. “Second CSS Corner is established at Al Markaz e Islami and it would cater the areas of Nazimabad, North Nazimabad, Federal B area, Buffer Zone, Liaquatabad and adjacent localities. Former bureaucrats, professors and officers would teach the candidates who should utilise the experience of the trainers” he added. The Administrator said that presence of the former bureaucrats and officers would surely help the candidates but they should also keep reading the good books for good results. He said that our youth is full of talent and they could achieve bigger goals if provided opportunities. He said that to get job in higher ranks, it was necessary to pass the CSS and the candidates should take this as a challenge as every target can be achieved through courage and efforts. Shallwani said that today’s youth would be handling the affairs tomorrow. The concerned authorities could only facilitate the youth and its up to them how they utilise these facilities.
Karachi, Karachi Business, Karachi Education, Karachi Future, Karachi Social, Karachi Trade, Pakistan