Administrator and Commissioner Karachi Iftikhar Ali Shallwani on Sunday said that renovation works of Teen Hatti bridge are on the verge of completion. Keeping in view importance of the bridge, Victorian sort of street lights are being installed while tiles are also fixed. The area would be made even more beautiful as plants would be planted at green belts. Iron grill is already been installed at both sides of the bridge, the Administrator passed these remarks while addressing a meeting of Karachi Metropolitan Corporation Works department to review the works for renovation of roads and flyovers and replacement of expansion joints.
The Administrator and Commissioner Karachi said that the KMC is utilizing all resources to carry out uplift works in the city. The busy roads are being renovated on priority basis. “The purpose of replacing expansion joints and construction of roads is to ensure smooth flow of traffic,” he added. Shallwani said that after renovation works, Teen Hatti bridge would become a model bridge and more bridges would be uplifted on the same pattern, if the people liked it. He directed the works department to use standard material for long lasting results. He said that more schemes would be initiated under Annual Development Programme and delayed projects of last tenure would be given priority.