Category: Pakistani Media

Radio for a brighter Pakistan

Pakistan refers to purity, promise and potential. Here in question is the commoner, the majority of the people of Pakistan. It is a matter of Gross National Happiness or quality of life of our people aslyrics Schumacher with “small is…

It is wake up call for role models

Society is paralyzed, immobilized or procrastinated at its worst when celebrities of the showbiz world, or for that matter, political, social and educational leaders, are blind-folded and dumb-founded on the importance of soul-searching and self-appraisal in personal and practical life.…

How gift of the gab backfires

It is humbly submitted to err is human even with the gurus of brands and brand-makers! In question here is a rampant crisis of communication referring to students, faculty, researchers, professionals and media so erroneously addressed by brand names in…