Category: Pakistan

Turning point in Pak-Canada ties

By Parvez Jamil Canada Pakistan relationship witnesses many turning points right from the debatable KANUPP nuclear power interaction to the so-called Islamophobia in many a Western- Canadian mind. However, this relationship assumes highly-positive dimensions, especially in the social sector development…

A futuristic approach to national budget

MashaAllah our so concerned experts can comment best on important budget focus as on military, agriculture, industry, energy, infrastructure, education, health and, above all, inflation etc. Seldom shared yet vital budget points here:   First point: How can a nation…

Why and how budget backfires

Why and how budget backfires

Come any budget anytime and anywhere in the world, booming “budgetactics”, devised here as a first-hand term.”Budgetactics” is an attempted tact and technique of so-called planners and technocrats to bamboozzle masses with a bull’s eye blue.   For example, crafting…

Asim Murtaza nominated for COVID-19 Hero Awards

Asim Murtaza nominated for COVID-19 Hero Awards

By Abdul Qadir Qureshi (Pakistan News & Features Services) In recognition of his services, Asim Murtaza Khan, President, Rotary Club of Karachi Darakhshan, has been nominated for the COVID-19 Hero Awards, instituted by Rotary Internationals Zone 1-B. Past District Governors…

Seminar highlights acute shortage of nurses

Seminar highlights acute shortage of nurses

By Abdul Qadir Qureshi (Pakistan News & Features Services) Pakistans nurses and midwives are playing a vital role on the frontlines of the COVID-19 third wave despite the ongoing shortage of healthcare professionals in the country, policymakers and academics reckoned…

Enlighten EID with vital SOPs

What an inspiring or invigorating enlightenment is Eid, “Masha Allah”! It is so very divine and alluring in all its spiritual and traditional ways. Feeling of a devoted “rozedar” is divinely so very inexpressible; thanking Allah the beloved most; greeting…

Child labor haunts May Day


All the world, including Pakistan, is shut on May 01 every year, lip-servicing workers or laborers by speeches, functions, seminars, parties and fanfare. However, child labor continues to haunt on May Day and laboring kids continue to abound in the…

Final option for national salvation

Rising over or above self; telling the truth and speaking from the heart; talking logic and calling justice; the fact remains, honestly and sincerely, current political leadership, both of government and from the opposition, fail to deliver in basic rights…

Aziz Memon condoles Prince Philips death

Aziz Memon condoles Prince Philip’s death

By Abdul Qadir Qureshi (Pakistan News & Features Services) Aziz Memon, President, English Speaking Union of Pakistan (ESUP), has condoled the death of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who remained President of the English Speaking Union of the Commonwealth from…