Category: Pakistan

SPARC to organize media dialogue on March 10


By Abdul Qadir Qureshi (Pakistan News & Features Services) The Society for Protection of Rights of Children (SPARC) is organizing a one-day workshop for media dialogue journalists and representatives on March 10. The seminar, expected to be attended by some…

Plea to stop maltreatment of PIA retirees

Plea to stop maltreatment of PIA retirees

By Abdul Qadir Qureshi (Pakistan News & Features Services) A former General Manager of Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) has urged the Prime Minister to take action on maltreatment with the retired employees by the national airline. The national airline has…

Adab-o-Kutub Khana-15 published

Adab-o-Kutub Khana-15 published

By Abdul Qadir Qureshi (Pakistan News & Features Services) The 15th edition of Adab-o-Kutub Khana has been published by the Bazm-e-Akram during the first month of the current year (2021) and its being delivered to its various contributors and subscribers…

Timely PLISJ publication despite COVID-19

Timely PLISJ publication despite COVID-19

By Abdul Qadir Qureshi (Pakistan News & Features Services) The Pakistan Library and Information Science Journal (PLISJ), a quarterly publication of the Library Promotion Bureau (LPB), arrived in time once more even though life and businesses were affected due to…

Major library events planned in 2021

Major library events planned in 2021

By Abdul Qadir Qureshi (Pakistan News & Features Services) As the coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions are being eased by the authorities in Pakistan, the National Library Association (NLA) has chalked out major events which it has planned to hold during the…

JTECH 2021 on February 26, 27

JTECH 2021 on February 26, 27

By Abdul Qadir Qureshi (Pakistan News & Features Services) The department of Computer Science and Software Engineering at the Jinnah University for Women (JUW) in Karachi will be organizing an event by the name of JTECH at their campus, located…